The Abominations of Yondo, by Clark Ashton Smith

Abominations Cover

I remain resolved to continue to add more Clark Ashton Smith material to Airy Persiflage.  Smith’s wordplay has always delighted me; where his contemporary (and friend) Lovecraft could wax prolix page after page, Smith was both more economical in his word choice and more grandiloquent.  Both writers remind us of the potential and choices available in the English language, yet Smith, alone, always makes me scratch my head in wonder.  It’s not every day I use fulvous, or hoary genii, or caparisoned.  In any event, here is Abominations, written in (probably) 1930 and often published in collections.  Forgive my sound quality.  I’m not using my favorite Microphone tonight.  File is embedded below.


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