Up, AetherShips! Space 1889 at Cold Wars 2010

Logo for 1889F-262 – Sky Galleons of Mars 1889
Fri. 6:00 PM, 5 hrs, 10 players
GM: David Kasper and NOWS
Prize: prize for best player
Victorian Science Fiction 25mm,
Rules: modified Sky Galleons of Mars

The time 1889. The place Mars. The British fleet must teach the Martian rebels a lesson by bombarding Parhoon. Come join in the fun. Large cloud ships against flouting gunboats. Lots of color. Lots of figs. Lots of dice.

I’ve always been a fan of steampunk, but I don’t like it all dark and gothic as the modern fans seem to.  For me, the Vernian style VSF of an old Edisonade with bright and shiney Victoriana themes all over it was the more fun world to play in.  Indeed, that is a criticism I could levy on most game themes these days– gameworlds seem too inherently pessimistic in tone.  Not so with Frank Chadwick‘s Space: 1889, however.  Here was a universe with guts and optimism.  Dashing officers and cheerful non-coms facing down hordes of Martian aboriginals, flying around in liftships and blasting away with quick firing cannon.  This is the essence of Steampunk. 

Imagine my delight, when I attended HMGS‘s spring wargame convention COLD WARS 2010 last weekend and discovered a room with Cloudships and Aphids battling it out in true 25mm scale.  I was impressed! 

Giant Kite
Giant Martian Kite (Sorry for the crappy picture)

Unfortunately, I got there too late to get in the game, but I did hang out and kibbitz for a while, oogling the wonderful Aphid Aethership models and giant Martian “Kite” ships.  The modeler did a wonderful job. 

Alas, my good camera was home, I picked up a cheapo digital at wal-mart but it might have been better to get a disposable, after seeing how poorly it worked for the entire convention.  So here’s the slideshown on this event, but don’t expect great photography.  The event was in a poorly lit room. 

FLICKR Slide Show: http://www.flickr.com/photos/48406853@N04/tags/cloudships/show/ 

I hope I can get into one of these at HISTORICON, work schedule permitting. 

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One comment

  1. Got into that game last year and had a great time. Even managed to win a trophy for Best British player, which I have on my desk.

    They were selling off all the ships during and after the game. Shame as it was a lot of fun.

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