Recharging Cellphones from the energy in Wireless Signals

AIRENERGY (recently debuted at CES)

Air Energy, the Dingus

On the one hand, the concept behind the RCA AirEnergy is pretty neat.  Airnergy takes the energy created by wi-fi signals and stores it in a rechargeable battery.  The potential here is obvious.  Instead of plugging your phone into a wall outlet or cigarette lighter charger, you can get close to fully charged by being inside a wireless signal for about an hour to an hour and a half.   On the other hand, I can just predict what the crazies will make out of the notion of “all this electrical energy floating in the air..”.  Because, of course, “they” are out to kill you/mind-control you/give you cancer.   I’m getting the mental picture of someone like General Ripper from Doctor Strangelove, only obsessed about electricity, not fluoridation.

In any event, it looks promising and the price is right.


  1. My physics professor in college talked about all this stuff way back when. He always wanted a light he could just carry around and power in a similar fashion. It still cracks me up to think of him and what he looked like trying to explain this.

  2. Sorry, no kudos from me on this. I think cell phones are an abomination and should be banned.

  3. You and me Otto. When everyone else is dying of brain cancer, think of all the room we will have!

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