Survey Update: Holiday Themed Miniatures

Back in December 2005, on Another Point of Singularity, I posted a preliminary survey of all miniature figures that carry Christmas or other Holiday figures. I found quite a few in 2005, and returned with an update in 2006.  Alas, there are so few updates to Christmas figures that I gave up on the idea after that, or just plain forgot about it.

Manufacturers havent’ given up on the idea of specialty holiday figures since 2006.  There have been a few!  So I thought I’d catch up with the notion and see what I’ve overlooked between 2006 and 2010.  Yes, I know this is a bit late for the Holidays, but give me a break, I’ve been busy.

(Flash Slideshow: contact to see the raw images)

Foundry continues to churn out Christmas figures– at least two of their Santa variants have been mentioned here before, but the URL in the previous post broke.   I know that the Evil Santa figures from Copplestone have been around for a few years, but they weren’t mentioned last time, so I include them for s sense of completion.

Last minute update: I found this from Studio Miniatures, might as well get it in this year.

A Christmas Nightmare from Studio Miniatures
A Christmas Nightmare from Studio Miniatures

Enjoy, and we’ll ty to keep more current this year.