Barsoomian update (the big movie, from ERBzine)

Disney Movie causes economic boomlet in Moab, Utah

Beginning in April, Disney Studios will film the science-fiction fantasy movie “John Carter of Mars” (also known as “A princess of Mars”) in the Moab, Utah area. Preliminary work already is under way in London. Disney crew members scouted the world for a location resembling the reddish planet Mars. Film crews have been in Moab for more than a year, said Tara Penner, director of the Moab to Monument Valley Movie Commission.

Moab actually has a film jobs webpage here. I guess the center of the Utah desert isn’t supportive of a thriving film community.

Also. . . from Uni-versal Extras

“I am or I look Mediterranean: For the all action feature film John Carter of Mars we are starting to cast men and women of all ages who look Mediterranean for a variety or roles!”

Looks to me like they are trying to cast the Red Martians to look actually as how they are portrayed in the novels– like Native Americans or people from the Indian subcontinent. No blonde starlets or ex-porn queens here.


  1. John Carter Warlord of Mars was a gigantic yawn to anyone beyond 12 back when it first came out. It was when I read it in the 50’s– when I was 12. I am pretty confident it will remain so, especially to todays kids raised on American idol and Lube-tube, raspberries, IPlotchs and the rest. They have the attention span of a hamster. Maybe if you put in blonde porn stars in hot jeans and tats and piercings you might stir sime interest in the prostitots crowd– but…

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