Warmachine Mark II

I’ve been intrigued with this series for a while now, but haven’t bit because, frankly, it’s a bit too packaged for me to like it without playing it first– you know, looking too much like a competitor for GW.. there’s been a pile of those over the years.  It gets tiresome.  Recently, however, I’ve been noticing a marked level of enthusiasm on THE D6GENERATION for this new version of Warmachine.  So I went and took a look.  The figures are nice (some of them), and they have this big ol’ backstory/fluff background and whatnot, so it’s clear they tried to be creative.  The word “steampunk” caught my eye, and that’s definitely “my thing”.. I’m not going to run off and get into a new obsession (I prefer GASLIGHT, thank’ee) but I might give it a play at an upcoming convention, to see if the hype is worth the effort.

One comment

  1. WM is not cheap, in fact some figures are even more expensive than from GW. But thankfully you do not need THAT many figures.
    The figures are also hard to work with, pinning is a skill that needs to be mastered…

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