Combat Commander: A new series by GMT

New to me, anyway. I just managed to get my hands on COMBAT COMMANDER: PACIFIC to compliment my previous COMBAT COMMANDER: EUROPE purchase.

I love this system. Card driven, lean on charts and tables, but loaded with options and greatly expandable. Almost all decisions are driven by a hand of action cards. Even combat resolution and various mechanics are determined by random numbers printed on the card (as a pair of dice). In my experience, which has primarily been with CC EUROPE so far, the game can resolve itself in about an hour and a half for a player experienced with wargames (especially tactical ones) and about two hours and change for a rank newbie. The scale and “feel” reminds me of Advanced Squad Leader but I enjoy the CC system far more– no algebra, no puzzling gazillion rule addendums, just a clean, lean and action packed design.

Game Overview:

Part One

Part Two

Thank you, Samort7, for posting this on Youtube. It was very well done!